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Use SRead to Read an Article


What is SRead?

SReadopen in new window is an AI-based reading assistant specially designed to enhance your reading experience. It is not just an e-book reader but also your personal reading advisor and assistant. This article will introduce you about leveraging the features of SRead to read an article online and get a deep understanding with its core functionalities.

Read an online article

The online article we are going to read is Must-haves for your SaaS landing page ( in new window.

First of all, let's open the SRead.aiopen in new window and login with either Google or WeChat.

Second, enter the URLopen in new window of the article into the text box and click "Submit" button.

Then, let's wait for SRead to process the article.

When it's done, it'll be redirected to the reading detail page, and we can get an overview summary of the article on the chat box panel. It addresses the importance of the landing page of an SaaS business, and lists all the essential parts of how to make a good landing page.


We can then click on "Mind Map" to get a structured view of the article (see below). We can see 5 main topics of the article including "Compelling", "Tailor", "Essential", "AI chatbot" and "Best practices". The sub-topics are in detail for you to look at.

Mind Map


In this article, we have walked you through how to read an online article with SRead. We leveraged its functionalities such as text summary and mind map to get your quickly understand the article.


If you are interested in SRead, you can add the author's Twitter account @MarvinZhang89open in new window.